First Bond knitting machine pattern for you. These instructions are written for the Bond but can be used with any machine just match the stitch gauge.

knitting machine with knitted cloth and clews

Using the Bond knitting machine

YARN: Spectrum Detroit DK and Spectrum Cool Cotton Hi-Lights
FIBRE CONTENT:  Detroit is 100% Acrylic. Cool Cotton Hi-Lights is 62% Acrylic, 27%
Cotton and 11% Viscose
COLOUR: We used Detroit, Shade 304 (MC) and Cool Cotton Hi-Lights, Shade
507 (C)
SIZES To suit bust 86[91:97]cm.
Finished measurement 102[108:112]cm.
Length 65[66.5:67]cm.
Sleeve seam 45.5cm.
Figures in square brackets [ ] refer to larger sizes; where there is only one set of figures, this applies to all sizes.
Detroit DK.4[5:5] x 100g balls in MC. Cool Cotton Hi-Lights. 1 x 50g ball in C.
1 pair 31/4mm knitting needles.
GARMENT WEIGHS 350g for size 86cm.
MAIN TENSION 16 sts and 24 rows to 10cm measured over patt using
Keyplate 3.
Tension must be matched exactly before starting garment.  Always do a tension swatch to check gauge

NOTE For the Bond knitting machine:  Knit side is used as right side.  Measurements given are those  of finished garment and should  not be used to measure work on the machine. Remember the keyplates refer to the tension on other machines.

K5 rows.
Next row Push every 6th N to HP all along row, K the row.
K2 rows.
Next row Using latch tool pull the three loops through st 4 rows down and place on to N in HP. Return N back to WP. Rep this all along row until all Ns are back in WP. K the row.
K5 rows.
Next row Push 3rd and every foil 6th N to HP all along row. K the row. K2 rows.
Next row Using latch tool pull the three loops through st 4 rows down and place on to N in HP. Return N back to WP. Rep this all along row until all Ns are back in WP. K the row.
These 18 rows form the pan which is worked throughout.

Push 82[86:90] Ns to WP. Using open edge method and WY, cast on and K a few rows, ending carriage at right. Using MC and Keyplate 3, work in patt as given until 92 rows have been worked, ending carriage at right.
Keeping patt correct, cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 6 rows. 62[66:70] sts. Cont until 142[146:148] rows have been worked from beg, ending carriage at right.
Cast off 8 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Cast off 7[8:9] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Using WY, K a few rows over rem 32[34:36] sts and remove from machine.

Push 82[86:90] Ns to WP. Using open edge method and WY, cast on and K a few rows, ending carriage at right. Using MC and Keyplate 3, work in patt
as given until 56 rows have been worked, ending carriage at right.
Push 41 [43:45] Ns at left to HP. Keeping patt correct, work on rem sts at right for first side. * Dec 1 st at left edge on next row, K the row. K3 rows “.
Rep from * to *, 8 more times, ending carriage at right.  32[34:36] sts

Cast off 4 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row, K the row. K1 row. Cast off 2 sts at beg of next row, K the row. K1 row. Cast off 2 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row, K the row. K1 row. Cast off 2 sts at beg of next row, K the row, ending
carriage at left. 20[22:24] sts. Keeping armhole edge straight, cont to shape front edge by dec 1 st at beg of next and every foll 4th row until 15[16:17] sts rem.
K until 142[146:148] rows have been worked, ending carriage at right.

Cast off 8 sts at beg of next row. K1 row. Cast off rem 7[8:9] sts. Bring Ns at left back to WP. Complete to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.
Push 46[48:50] Ns to WP. Using open edge method and WY, cast on and K a few rows.Using MC, work in patt. Shape sides by inc 1 st each end of every 6th row until there are 64[66:68] sts. Work straight until 96 rows have been worked.
Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 6 rows. Dec 1 st at each end of next and every foil alt row until 20 sts rem. Dec 1 st at each end of next 6 rows. Cast off 8 sts.

With wrong side of back facing, and using a 31/4mm knitting needle, pick up sts from first row worked in MC from lower edge, inc 6[8:10] sts evenly as you go. 88[94:100] sts. Using MC, work 18 rows in Kl, P1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Work front welt to correspond.

With wrong side of sleeve facing and using a 31/4mm knitting needle, pick up sts from first row worked in MC from lower edge of sleeve, inc 4 sts evenly as you go. 42[44:46] sts. Using MC, work 18 rows in K1, P1 rib. Cast off loosely in rib.
Work cuff on other sleeve to correspond.

Join right shoulder seam. With right side facing and using a 31/4mm knitting needle, pick up 90[94:98] sts from centre point to right shoulder, pick up
32[34:36] sts from WY at back neck, inc 12 sts evenly as you go. 134[140:146] sts. Using MC, work 8 rows, K1, P1 rib. Cast off loosely in rib.With right side facing and using a 31/4mm knitting needle, pick up 90[94:98] sts from left side neck. Using MC, work 8 rows K1, P1 rib. Cast off loosely in rib.

Join rem shoulder and neckband seams. Set in sleeves. Join side and sleeve
seams. Fold right front band over left front band at centre ”. Sew in place.
Push 36 Ns to WP. Using open edge method and C, cast on and K8 rows. Make a hem by picking up loops from cast on edge and placing on to Ns. Work in st st, dec 1 st each end of every 4th row until 12 sts rem. Cast off. Slip stitch inset in place in V’ neck, commencing 12.5cm from shoulder seam.

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