A Proven Income Opportunity

“Earn extra income at home”

My dream came true, this was a proven income opportunity for me. Yes my own home based business finally became a reality and I began to earn extra money at home. A knitting and crochet business, what more could a gal ask for? I know you want to earn money now but this is not a business you just buy a machine and you are up and running. You have to be able to produce quality products. And if you have never worked a knitting machine you will need time to learn all about it. But let me back up about 30 or more years. I was no different than so many of you are today. Wanting a home based business of my own. This way I could help with the finances and stay at home with the children.

A great work at home business for me

The beginning of “Little Country Shop” covered many years and did not happen overnight. Long before I opened the business I had read in a magazine about knitting machines. There were knitters out there that had their businesses up and running. They showed it was a proven income opportunity. The magazines even had a picture of one of these machines. I can’t remember which machine it was, but I sure was interested. Just like you I would dream of my own business. I didn’t know how to knit at that time (by hand or machine) crochet was my only fiber craft, but this gadget really fascinated me. We had just moved to a new area and my daughters had made some new friends. One day my youngest daughter came home after playing with the young girl across the street. She began telling me about the funny machines her friends mother had in one of the rooms. She tried to describe them to me but the only thing I understood was the yarn. When I heard yarn that really peaked my interest (because I already knew crochet) and I had to find out what she was talking about. A Knitting Machine !!!! Turns out those machines were knitting machines and let me tell you I was one excited puppy. Sandy (the mother) was real sweet and showed me all about her machines. Sandy had a successful knitting business.

A Proven Income Opportunity

She knitted hats, sweaters and dog sweaters, (just to mention a few items) which she sold all over the world. She made such beautiful items and in no time flat. She ran ads in magazines and sold through a representative, as there was no Internet back than.

Brother Knitting Machine

These hats were the first I knitted on my Brother Knitting. I always dreamed of my own home based business but thought it was for the rich only. But here was Sandy running a prosperous business (Proven Income Opportunity) right in my own neighborhood. She was a stay at home Mom, just like me. If it wasn’t for her I probably would never have started my own business.

My small business was born with Sandys help

She had several machines and had just bought a new fancy electronic machine. She told me her older Brother 260 was for sale and I snatched it up. She was a real sweetheart and threw in so many extras it was unbelievable. She encouraged me to knit and shared her patterns. This Brother standard machine had a 24 stitch punch card for designing and a ribber attachment for ribbing. It could knit up to four different colors. I was excited beyond belief. She showed me how to make a personalized ski cap. She was there for the first few months. Than she moved away and the rest I taught myself with books and a crazy desire to open my own business. Since that first meeting I learned machine knitting, loom knitting and hand knitting along with the crocheting I already knew. You can make money and work at home with these crafts. It takes persistence, determination, a little imagination and a bit of guidance. When you have been blessed, you should always give back. Turn it around and help somebody else fulfill his or her dream. Well now it is my turn to give back, I am going to show you how you can start a home based business with your hobby. I know it can be done, as I have done it. Yes this is A Proven Income Opportunity The above pictures are of items I knitted on the machine when I first started. I wanted to include them so you could see the beginning products. Today you have wonderful outlets to sell at such at etsy. There you can upload images and write a description and price your item for a very small fee.

Starting a home craft business

 Proven Income Opportunity to Knitting n Crochet for Profit
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